Sunday, October 2, 2011

Movie Review: Mr. Halloween

Synopsis: Bill Loomis, who's been knighted Mr. Halloween by the local youth, is the center of a local legend, one that says that he uses real body parts in his attraction. The legend is taken lightly until kids start disappearing. Seeing as the local Sheriff is so uninterested in investigating the veracity of the legend, the remaining children decide to do it for themselves. That's when they discover the terrible truths behind the legend.

Obviously an extremely low budget horror tale (I've read maybe around $10,000, which is totally believable), the only thing it really gets right are a high, gory body count and nice setting. Decently set and shot so that it really feels like a small town in the fall around Halloween. Unfortunately, every else in it sucks pretty bad.

The acting is just atrocious... I'm talking high school play level. Absolutely cringe worthy acting combined with terrible dialogue isn't a good combination.

As for the high body count and gore, they usually consist of a victim getting slashed or hacked and us seeing blood splatter on the walls. Over and over. The cool looking mask on the poster? Nope, not the killer. He's actually just some regular looking dude with a bad 'stache who sort of reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe. Completely non threatening.

The plot is just riddled with holes and stupidity, which fits right along with the acting I guess as well as the terrible soundtrack (sounds like an old 1980s video game) and actually just the sound overall.

In summary, I will say this is a very consistent movie overall. The script, acting, lighting, direction and just overall quality are so poor that the only thing shocking about it is how in the hell did this even get released outside of some high school's film club? It's so amateurish I had much more fun laughing that being shocked or scared, which actually may be the only particularly endearing thing about it.


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