Thursday, June 30, 2011

Marcos Da Matta: Where did this guy come from?

Marcos Da Matta: Where did this guy come from?
From ML Management Group:

Look into the corners of some of the top UFC fighters and you will see one consistent, Marcos “Parrumpinha” Da Matta. Little known outside of the South Florida MMA community, Da Matta is garnering more TV time than some of the fighters themselves. Often seen for no less than 4 minutes at almost every UFC, Da Matta is now performing count downs, preparing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructional videos, and making waves in and out of the MMA industry.

Home to American Top Team Coconut Creek, the Florida based gym known for producing some of the world’s best MMA talent, Da Matta serves as the gym's head Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instructor. An MMA fighter himself with an impressive 8-1 record, Da Matta trains and corners some of the best in the business including, Thiago “Pitbull” Alves, former world champion Mike Brown, Olympic Medalist Alexis Vila, Thiago Silva, Brad Pickett, Cole Miller, Gleison Tibau, Mark Bocek, Rich Attonito, Micah Millerand, Jessica Aguilar, and many more.

With accolades like a third degree black belt in BJJ, a brown belt in Judo, 1996 World BJJ Champion, 2000 Silver Medalist in the World BJJ Championships, 10-time NAGA Super Fight Champion and four BJJ National Titles in Brazil, Da Matta garners an impressive skill set that few know of.

“I like to fight and compete,” said Da Matta. “But, my heart is in training my fighters to be Champions.” Da Matta is well on his way to fulfilling his goals of bringing fame to some of American Top Team's top competitors. Although he could selfishly decide to focus on his own career, Da Matta truly enjoys coaching and is proud of the fact that he is the head BJJ instructor for some of the top UFC, Strikeforce, and Bellator talent.

When asked what we can expect to see from him in the future, Da Matta replied, “I have big things in the works, including bringing MMA and BJJ instruction to the masses.” Currently flying under the radar screen, perhaps we need to start paying more attention to this 5'4” coach on a mission.

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Catherine Leah - México: Especial Copa América


That's A Wrap Alright

And yet another Kate Upton video as she approaches the record for most appearances in my blog. I will never tire of these. This one is Kate in "That's a Wrap" for SoBe life water... in a bikini. I have no idea what this SoBe stuff taste like, but she sure does one hell of a job of selling it. I'll take 20 cases please.

Strikers Tie... again! Now its time for a Tampa road trip!

Almost 6,000 people showed up at Lockhart Stadium this Wednesday despite the rain and conflicting U2 concert. It's all because our most hated rival came to town. FC Tampa Bay (aka Rowdies) came into South Florida in search of points and unfortunately they took one point with them.

The Strikers dominated this game with an incredible 24 shots of which only 6 were on goal. It was a game where the result should have been an overwhelming win by at least 4 goals but it's apparent we just can't score. Tampa on the other hand had only 2 shots on goal converting one of them. One thing the Strikers have been able to do is come from behind and tie their last few games. But the fans want wins especially at home!

Worth mentioning are all the supporters that rocked the stadium all night. If you listen in on the video you can hear the Strikers supporter tell the few Rowdies fans present that they can't hear them as well as other Tampa hate chants. The twelfth man was definitely present! Check out the video if you haven't already.

The supporters also had a JVB1 sign in honor of Strikers goalkeeping legend Jan van Beveren who passed away this past Sunday in Houston Texas. They also had a Tifo sporting the words "Kings of Florida" just so that the Rowdies are aware that they are the Strikers peons!
“We were just missing the final pass on a couple of chances,” said head coach Daryl Shore. “We were the aggressor tonight and it’s frustrating. Soccer is funny because you can have a team on their heels and one chance and you go down 1 - 0.”
You can read more about the game HERE
Here are a few more pictures from the Tailgate, the game and screen shots from the video.

Tampa Road Trip
In case you didn't know, the Strikers are headed up North to St. Petersburg to play the Rowdies on Monday July 4th at 6 pm. If you want to be part of the caravan we will depart out of Lockhart Stadium at 10AM sharp on Monday.

SFU has set up a 15 person van and there are still a couple of seats so if you want to tag along it will be $40 on Monday morning which includes the game ticket. Derek Reese even supplied us with a picture indicating where the Strikers Likers will be seated. Check it out! Click to enlarge.
As you can see we'll be sitting behind home plate, close to the Mob's section.
So come on people, lets invade Tampa! Get in your cars or hop on the bus with us to support our Strikers! If you want to join us contact us ASAP or see you Monday morning at Lockhart Stadium.
Let's Go Strikers!

Jogadoras da Seleção Alemã sub 23 posam para a Playboy

Cinco jogadoras da seleção alemã de futebol feminino posaram nuas para Playboy da Alemanha. Annika Doppler, 19, Kristina Gessat, 20, Ivana Rudelic, 19, Julia Simic, 22, e Selina Wagner, 20, mostram como vieram ao mundo, para alegria dos torcedores.

Em entrevista ao jornal Bild, Julia Simic afirmou que o ensaio serve para mostrar que as mulheres boleiras também podem ser sensuais.

– Sempre ouço a frase: você não parece uma jogadora de futebol. Por trás disso, está a falsa imagem de que jogadoras não são atraentes – disse.

Time Feminino da Russia usará biquini para bancar próximo jogo

O FC Rossiyanka, time feminino na Rússia, vai usar todas as armas possíveis para conseguir patrocínio. Na primeira delas, a equipe de Krasnoarmeysk vai entrar em campo de biquíni no sua próxima partida.

O objetivo é atrair público para os jogos e patrocinadores, já que o time é o melhor do país e faz parta da UEFA, entidade máxima do futebol na Europa.
– Achamos uma ótima ideia. Poucas pessoas ouviram falar de nós e vão assistir nossos jogos. Somos o melhor time feminino do país e ganhamos muitos campeonatos. Está na hora de nos valorizarem mais – afirmou a técnica Tatyana Egorova ao jornal inglês “The Sun”.

As jogadoras já fizeram uma sessão de pré-publicidade para promover sua próxima partida.
Fonte: Extra

Mega Stupid

I had an interesting quick (unsolicited) conversation this morning at the service station as I was overpaying for gas. Actually, I pay at the pump and don't even remember the day when humans walked inside to pay for gas. But anyway, I had gotten my gas and decided that since the Mega Millions jackpot was over $100 mil, which I could use for a few things (like gas), that I'd buy me a ticket. A lucky ticket preferably. So I went inside and when it was my turn for the resident middle-easterner to wait on me...

Me: 1 quick pick Mega Millions ticket please.
Leather-skinned Lady behind me: You're throwing your money away on that stuff?
Me: Excuse me?
Leather Lady: That lotto garbage. Waste of money.
Me: Oh. I just like to get one so I can dream about winning I guess. Have a nice day. (smile... exit politely)

I listened as I was walking out and I hear her say to cashier "Give me 2 packs of Marlboro Lights."

So, as former president of my high school math club (I was dammit!) I was thinking all the way to work.

For $1, I now have a 1 in 175,711,538 chance of winning the jackpot ($105 mil currently). I have a 1 in 40 chance of just winning something. Hey, the odds aren't great or anything but it beats a kick in the face. And what can you really get for a buck anymore? A honeybun? A blowpop? Enough gas to start your car once?

But for her 2 packs at $5 a pop?

Lucky her. According to the CDC, about 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in women are due to smoking. The American Cancer Society reports that each year almost half a million people die of lung cancer, meaning almost one of every five deaths is related to smoking. By comparison to other causes of death, cigarettes kill more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs combined.

I like my odds better for a $1 ticket of dreams than her $10 investment in a potential lottery for a coughing, black death. Enjoy.

And for the record, I'd travel for the first year post winning.

Flower Hairstyles

Flower hairstyles not only lend a very fairy like feeling to a person but also give them an ethereal charm. It would be wrong to think that only brides look good with flowers in their hair, because anyone can sport flower hairstyles as long as they are comfortable with it.

Let us take a look at some of the flower hairstyles that you can take your pick from and wear according to the occasion at hand.

Flower Hairstyles for Brides

Flower hairstyles-1Your wedding is definitely one of the biggest days in your life, and every girl worth her mettle wants to look her best on this day. And, what better way to dress yourself up than by stylizing your hair with flowers.
Flower hairstyles-2Not only will the flowers add a pleasant fragrance to you but will also make you look like the princess you want to be on this special day.
Flower hairstyles-3Flower Hairstyles for Brides

Flower hairstyles-4Flower Hairstyles for Brides

Flower hairstyles-5Flower Hairstyles for Brides

Flower Hairstyles for Bridesmaids

Flower hairstyles-6The person who gets the maximum attention after the bride and groom at a wedding is the bridesmaid. So, you cannot let the audience down on the day when you are expected to carry out such an important role.
Flower hairstyles-7Flower Hairstyles for Bridesmaids
Of course, you will probably go through a lot of trials before selecting the outfit that you plan to wear – but what about the hairdo? Your hairstyle can look prettier if you put some flowers in them, they will definitely add their own charm and grace to you.
Flower hairstyles-8Flower Hairstyles for Bridesmaids

Flower Hairstyles for a Theme Party

Flower hairstyles-9A theme party like a Grecian Night does not have to be restricted only to a dress code, you can also play up your hair with flowers to look the part.

Flower Hairstyles for the Beach

Flower hairstyles-10Flower Hairstyles for the Beach
The summer is all about hitting the beach in your sexy bikinis. However, your sexy quotient can be given a boost with a flower. Yes, a flower in your hair will get you attention for the right reasons, and also what better way to celebrate summer, the sand and the sun than with some natural delicious fragrance floating from your hair.
Flower hairstyles-11Flower hairstyle will make you look like an exotic mermaid from a tropical paradise.

Flower Hairstyles for a Date

Flower hairstyles-12Flower Hairstyles for a Date
Everyone wants to look their sexy best on a date and surveys show that a girl tends to splurge a lot on beauty products before a romantic day. Well, you don’t really have to spend quite a lot as you can achieve a smouldering look by simply tucking a flower in your hair. A flower gives you a very flirty, irresistible yet innocent appeal, so much so that your man won’t be able to take his eyes off you.

So, go ahead and sport these beautiful flower hairstyles and you will surely enthral all those who are around you with your vivacious and fun hairdo – one word of caution though, you may also find yourself to be the receptor of many envious glances of the chicas around you! But that’s exactly what you want, don’t you?

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