Monday, August 16, 2010

Knockout is Haywire

Apparently the new Gina Carano movie Knockout has been renamed, or at least is also named Haywire.
Seems like a bad choice if you ask me. However, any movie with Gina in it will be worth watching. It also stars Michael Douglas, Ewan McGregor, Antonio Banderas and Bill Paxton. What a star studded cast.

With a Hollywood A-List like that, and the charm of America's new sweetheart (sweat hard?) Gina Carano, this sounds like a summer blockbuster for release in 2011.

Sure to have many explosions, car chases, and no doubt at least one fight scene.

Steven Soderbergh has a pretty good reputation when it comes to action films. Time will tell if this one will live up to the hype, or just be another brainless action flick....not that there is anything wrong with that.
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